we had an urban garden. we were too scared our pooches would dig our garden up.
peppers from the hernando nursery.
sweet peppers.
our grandparents would be proud!
in june, stephanie and ray were married! here are some pictures of the fun day!

steph and ray's rehearsal dinner at central bbq.
steph and ray's rehearsal dinner at central bbq.
holly, lisa, and i with the brasher girls at steph's wedding.

mr. and mrs. betts

my parents

i have said before that kyle loves the food network. he saw this place (panini pete's) on dinners, drive-ins and dives with guy fieri. http://www.foodnetwork.com/diners-drive-ins-and-dives/index.html it was in fairhope, al about 10 mins off of our path. panini pete's is in a french quarter like sqaure. very cute!

and it was YUMMY! http://paninipetes.com/ when we were leaving, kyle recognized the chef/owner from the episode. kyle, being the sweet guy he is, went to get the car so ms. ethel ann and i ended up in a boutique (suprise...you must know my mother -in-law, she's a big shopper!) we saw kyle pull up and we were just about to walk out the door when we saw the owner (pete) riding down the sidewalk on a segway! i mean, that's the way to travel!

about to go to dinner. day 1 with no tan!

1st full day on the beach.

most people that know me, know that i am a firm believer in sunscreen. well, even after reappling we still were sunburned. kyle was worse than me. note to self: buy new sunscreen each year and throw the others away!!

kyle and his mamma at cobalt's in orange beach.

it is wave time!

whew, it was hot!

our last night at the beach. the sun won and gave us a lovely souvenir.

at the warf.
the 4th of july! kyle surprised me and bought me tickets to see wicked for an early birthday present! it was really good!
my surprise birthday at work. they got me!
i love peanut butter and chocolate. my friend at work jen is an amazing cook and she made me peanut butter and chocolate cupcakes for my birthday!
more birthday food. you only turn 30 once right? kyle's famous pesto pizza!
we had a get together for my birthday and there was a peanut butter and chocolate icecream cake! yummy!
mr. and mrs. betts
my parents
aren't we cute!?
i have said before that kyle loves the food network. he saw this place (panini pete's) on dinners, drive-ins and dives with guy fieri. http://www.foodnetwork.com/diners-drive-ins-and-dives/index.html it was in fairhope, al about 10 mins off of our path. panini pete's is in a french quarter like sqaure. very cute!
and it was YUMMY! http://paninipetes.com/ when we were leaving, kyle recognized the chef/owner from the episode. kyle, being the sweet guy he is, went to get the car so ms. ethel ann and i ended up in a boutique (suprise...you must know my mother -in-law, she's a big shopper!) we saw kyle pull up and we were just about to walk out the door when we saw the owner (pete) riding down the sidewalk on a segway! i mean, that's the way to travel!
after we ate we arrived to our condo, we then went to the grocery store. only to find out that one of the keys they gave us didn't work! we waited about 30 mins before someone came to give us the right keys. good thing we got ice for the cooler, the icecream would have melted and i would not have been a happy camper!
about to go to dinner. day 1 with no tan!
1st full day on the beach.
most people that know me, know that i am a firm believer in sunscreen. well, even after reappling we still were sunburned. kyle was worse than me. note to self: buy new sunscreen each year and throw the others away!!
kyle and his mamma at cobalt's in orange beach.
it is wave time!
whew, it was hot!
our last night at the beach. the sun won and gave us a lovely souvenir.
at the warf.
the 4th of july! kyle surprised me and bought me tickets to see wicked for an early birthday present! it was really good!
my surprise birthday at work. they got me!
i love peanut butter and chocolate. my friend at work jen is an amazing cook and she made me peanut butter and chocolate cupcakes for my birthday!
more birthday food. you only turn 30 once right? kyle's famous pesto pizza!
we had a get together for my birthday and there was a peanut butter and chocolate icecream cake! yummy!
hanging out at cindy and betsy's celebrating my bday!