jessica and i supporting our men! ut-martin and u of memphis graduates supporting the bulldogs as they face off Alabama. but it didn't end well for the bulldogs again! kyle says it's the same story, different day!
my 1st thanksgiving with the In-Laws!
...and my 1st deer camp experience! it's about 20 miles north of vicksburg near valley park, ms. kyle's great-grandfather and others started the deer camp many moons ago.
now this is all new to me. i peaked in this room. a sight to see for this city girl! it is a wonder that kyle is not a hunter. i guess sports won that battle! they even had bunk beds with camouflage boots, etc hanging from the walls. i had a fun time seeing kyle's stomping grounds.
my mother-in-law's (smith) side hanging out after the fest! what amazed me was that there was a cook the main meal! she did a great job!
after leaving the deer camp, we headed to starkville for the egg bowl. another 1st for me! this is a BIG game held during thanksgiving weekend every year since 1901. i really didn't understand the whole rivalry until i was sitting in the stands with holly and kyle. WOW! the ole miss fans were yelling, booing, etc to the MSU fans. even kyle chimed in to yell at the ole miss fans. i was like "really? how old are you ms. ole miss lady shaking your pom pon at the MSU fans?" "oh you're 50? REALLY?" in my head i think "way to set a good example!" then the MSU fans who sat behind us had foul mouths! then i thought "really! seriously! you're 40!! ACT LIKE IT!" meanwhile, they kept pouring their jack in their coke! both sides of the fence are CRAZY! every team has "these type" fans! as kyle says "angie, we are all from the same small mississippi town. just because mr. ole fan's dad is a doctor and ms. miss state fan's dad is a vet both from bumville, ms...doesn't make you any better than the other!" he says "we were raised to love our college and it's fun!" i still don't get it. but i do like the food!
fergie has a MSU shirt on? what is happening to the the die-hard UT fan? well, she now has ties to miss state because of me and a kid (college freshman now) she use to babysit played last year! she is supporting her family! it was a fun day despite the yelling! the best news....mississippi state won so i had a happy hubby!

ole miss got a bad rap for their song "From Dixie With Love" because of some stupid ole miss students. it is now banned. so sad that a couple of people can ruin it for the whole school. this is a proud moment for kyle that i know this goes. anthony dixon is MSU's all-SEC running back. he played great that day. we were sitting by his family at the game. but it was funny when this pic was posted after the MSU egg bowl win, "from dixon, with love." made me laugh out loud.
onto december and the st. jude half marathon.
this was our Christmas card. i went with the running theme "run, run Rudolph...Santa's got to make it to town." i think i'm funny at times!

kyle was great! i started breaking down around mile 12. kyle could have left me but instead he stayed back and grabbed my hand as we crossed the finish line. we finished in 2 hrs and 22 mins.
kyle's parents came down to cheer us on in the freezing cold. since it was cold that day, i bought kyle some running tights. usually "men in tights" is a scary thing to me! but on a cold morning, you have to do what you have do. and i quote from kyle himself "i could wear these all day and even to kroger! these are awesome". I said to him "lets not go that far!" he's a trooper!
that night, we had our 1st extended dunagan Christmas in 10 years! i saw 3rd cousins i had not seen in years. we use to get together every year but we got so big that we just kept it to the immediate families. but we are bringing it back!
kyle and my dad digging in! kyle met some new family that night.
some of the dunagan gals catching up.
my mom.
time for the tacky sweater Christmas party!
thanks aunt connie and aunt rita for letting kyle and i borrow your clothes!
the guys looked great! jeff (last one on the right) had on his grandmother's sweater!
Christmas Eve at aunt connie's and uncle jake's house.
kyle had a great year of weight loss! he met his goal and is now maintaining!
it poured Christmas eve and kyle went to help unload. well his jeans and socks were soaked so he put them in the dryer and wore my uncle jake's robe until they dried. fun dunagan times!
reading the book i gave aiden, my cousin christy's 1st born!
aunt connie enjoying some caleb time, christy's 2nd son!!
cousin lyle!
Christmas day we headed south to mederian, ms to see the mccoys.
the dogs got to go! we had to take them!! it was their Christmas present. boomer loved his car ride!
bailey relaxing! she is excited to see her granddaddy! not so sure if granddad is as happy.
at my in-laws
after lunch, we headed to jackson, ms to see more family.
the handsome, beautiful mccoys!
leah (my sister-in-law) and i playing dirty santa.
the golden girls i.e. aunt eloise (kyle's great aunt) and mimi (kyle's grandmother)
boomer is all dressed up for Christmas!
bailey loved visiting her grandparents! she wants to come back very soon!
NYE at the kennedy's house!
the gals waiting to ring in the new year.
2010! my question you pronounce it "twenty-ten" or "two-thousand and ten"???