I am writing this blog in August while the heat index is 100+ so I am really enjoying thinking back to April when the weather was gorgeous!
The Levitt Shell
http://www.levittshell.org/ is in Overton Park and hosts a number of FREE shows for all ages. Way back when, my parents use to see shows at (as they call it) the "Shell." It opened in the 1930's. It has been closed for a while and I am assuming the Levitt's re-opened it. The Shell has been giving Memphians free shows since 2008. A fun fact: this is the first place Elvis had his 1st professional rock-n-roll show.

So Kyle and I went on Easter Eve and saw Derek Webb
www.derekwebb.com/home and Sandra McCracken
http://www.sandramccracken.com/ (for free of course.) It was a beautiful night and the kids dancing in this picture were way too cute! It was a perfect show for the Easter weekend!

We brought a nice picnic (Subway!) and enjoyed the tunes. *Note the man to the back right of this pic! I told Kyle he might need to go for that look! Sweater vest with shorts!

Easter Sunday with my parents. Their new church home is Macon Road Baptist Church! As Kyle says, "I have never seen a church eat so much!" They have supper EVERY Sunday night. And by supper I mean they have a chef that does some mean home-cooking.
Next up was the McCoy Mudbug Fest. Kyle loves to have Crawfish boils. I had never heard of this critter until I met him.

1. I do not like seafood. These bugs don't live in the sea BUT they do live in water....muddy water! Thus, crawfish=seafood. I am a land lover!!
2. I do not like spicy food! To cook the crawfish, you put cajun seasoning in them. So even if I wanted to have a piece of corn, I couldn't because it would be too HOT.
3. Why in the world did I co-host a crawfish boil? B/C Kyle loves it! Nothing about the crawfish I like so my hubby grilled some of his famous Kyle-burgers and people lapped them up! He made 16 and he didn't even get a one! Next year we will plan better.

I was shocked at how you just throw the crawfish on a table and everyone digs in. But I have been going to them for 3 years now and I'm use to it. I just like to hang out and enjoy the company.

My Ohio friends came! Jen, Leon and Jax (their dog!)
It was their 1st crawfish boil and Leon DUG in! He was a pro!

My UT-Martin family came as well! We had a great time!

Kristy and Lauren are enjoying the sunshine. It was a perfect day to be outside.
The next set of pictures are of Boomer. He was a ladies man. Bailey and Jax hung out but Boomer was working it.

Boomer is loving the extra food and drink.

He found April's blanket. He's all nestled by Lyle's wheelchair.

He found my lap...

Then Shelly's lap and Jen's lap! He loves the ladies!
April means Anniversary! Since I am a good wife and all...we spent the weekend apart! Let me explain. For the 2nd year in a row, our anniversary fell on Super Bull Dog Weekend. For the non-Mississippi State fans, it is the alum weekend with a spring football game, baseballs games, etc. We went last year for our 1st anniversary. I opted out this year and sent Kyle on. BUT our anniversary was on Sunday and he was back for that. I went to Jackson and Martin, TN and he went to Starkville and we met back up on Sunday to celebrate 2 years in Memphis. I will have to write a separate blog about our weekend apart! So be on the look-out!

Our friends Reena and Chirag were married in Cancun and we didn't get to go =( So they planned a state-side reception for all the people that didn't get to make it! It was our 1st Indian reception and Kyle was excited to eat the food!

The Shahs in their wedding attire. I am very jealous because both of their last names is Shah. Meaning no legal name change hassle for Reena. NOT FAIR! But a lot easier for her!

The McCoys!

The girls and Reena. She was beautiful!

I did eat some of the food. I had to ask about 10 times if what I got was spicy. And I thought I didn't until I bit into a HOT pepper. Other than that, it was YUMMY!

The handsome groom!

We were in a gas station in Oxford and I have never seen coffee like this. WOW Oxford! Beer flavored coffee??!! HA!
Such a pretty town and a lot of vendors to do a lot of shopping!