I'm back to being behind. I really what to remember these sweet, crazy moments with my 2 under 2. So here is what all went on in the month of June.
My maternity leave came to an end on June 24. As you can tell Charlie (3 months) was not happy about it. It was nice to have 16 weeks off!
Baby Toms, Mama Toms-sweet Jonah feet!

Jonah (20 months) got his 3rd hair cut from Aunt Connie.

She loves him!
Kyle was out of town for 2 weeks and I had some great help from my mom and MIL. We'd facetime everyday and this is one of the great pics I sent him. Happy Father's Day (I don't even know what we did for Father's Day?!)
I had my 3rd illness in a year. My cough came back. So my doctor made get an XRay but all was clear. Babies take all of my energy and nutrition!
I did a freezer meal workshop. It was great because when I went back to work, it was easy and stress less to meal plan. Plus Kyle and are are trying real hard to get to all clean eating. No t.v. dinners at our house. So we really have to meal plan. Saves money and our health! So if you'd like more info, visit
He is in the Bumbo!
Can you see the bags under my eyes?! But Charlie is so cute and worth it!
Charlie had his 1st budget meeting. He agrees because we have enough money for his diapers!
Arm wrestling!
Playdate time!!
The new babies (up top) and the old gang (on the bottom). Maddox, Eli, and Jonah are all graduates from Rara's and we miss her!
Even Jonah eats clean! We are on a smoothie kick! YUM!
Thanks to my SIL and BIL, Kyle and I got to go on a date night! Low and behold, it was FREE! Kyle got tickets because he is good like that! We went to Snowden Grove and and heard the music of Les Mis. It was great! And a beautiful night!
Another free show...
Everyone came! However, it was short lived because it was Jonah's bedtime!
2 under 2 shopping
I told both rug rats to the grocery store solo. It would have been a good idea if I didn't go to Aldi where you have to bag your groceries. But the kids did great!
Charlie is reading about his future.
Fun in the sun!
The Splash Pad
Jonah, granddaddy, and I went to the splash park. It was so much fun!
Jonah had to warm up but after he did, he loved it!
He loved it!
Sweet snuggles
Jonah is trying to share. But I told him that Charlie can only have his Mama's milk! Such a sweet guy thought though.
Brothers. I hope and pray they are the best of friends!
Leah and I went to a paint party! So glad she is here now!
Mickey Mouse presents...
Prince Charles!!
I tell people all the time that I was prepared to have such a bad year. Bad as in no sleep and craziness because of the 2 under 2. But so far, it is not bad a all. It has times where I think I might jump off a bridge. But for the most part, I love it!