Here are the happenings for the month of May.
I loved my maternity leave. Especially since I had a lot of help and got to hang with friends!
The Prince of England came to Memphis for a wedding and everyone was so excited about it.
But Prince Charles didn't know what the big deal was? He was already in town!
May the 4th be with you!
Lisa's dad came in town for a book signing!

I'm hanging with the famous author!

See...he has business cards!
The next night was John's wedding. We didn't have a sitter so Kyle stayed home.


Rain on your wedding day is good luck right? Especially if it's outside!

The groom!

wedding selfie!
Jonah is ready to be a member of the award-winning, grand-champ BBQ, the Bluff City Bulldogs
he loves bath time!
Charlie selfie!
I was brave and took them both outside in the heat. The umbrella flew down and tore our window screen. It was not a good day to be brave! But Jonah had fun at the water table! And no one was hurt. I say that is a good day.
Next up: Zoo Brew
Our friend Abbey is the marketing director at the Memphis Zoo and needed volunteers to help pour beer for their very large fundraiser, Zoo Brew.
Betsy & I served Indian beer. We worked HARD!
They had a DJ so I did a little dance with my pumping bag and water on my way out! We worked the entire time! This is a big money maker for the zoo.
I did my 1st post pardum 5k! And Kyle won 1st in his age group. This was my time not his!
Charles thinks that life is good!
Kyle went out of town for 2 weeks to LSU to attend banking school. Nana came and stayed with us the 1st week.
It was SO helpful having her with a 2 month old and 19 month old!
Multiple uses for the grill...
Nana stayed an extra night so that I could go to Cindy's graduation party. She is a PharmD!! Dr. Cindy, congrats!
My date was Charlie!
He was the life of the party!
Love these girls!
There was one night when I was by myself while Kyle was out of town between Nana leaving and granny coming. The Brasher sisters came over to help me with bedtime.
They brought pizza! It meant so much to me!
Wow, what a busy and fun month! Oh yeah-don't forget about the hot water leak under our slab! was your month of May?!
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